Digitizing smell to give everyone a chance at a better life.
In this new era, computers will generate smells like we generate images and sounds today.
To fulfill this vision, Osmo is bringing together an accomplished, multidisciplinary team to build on its world-class research.
The Osmo team has expertise spanning machine learning, sensory neuroscience, data science, engineering, fine fragrance, analytical chemistry, and product development.

Before Osmo, our team was led by Alex Wiltschko at Google Research, where we used cutting-edge machine learning to build the foundations of Osmo’s map of smell.
Using Graph Neural Networks to achieve a major breakthrough in predicting the smell of a molecule from its structure
Creating new molecules no one had ever smelled before and predicting them with superhuman accuracy
Designing molecules that smell bad to mosquitoes (e.g. insect repellents) and are more potent than DEET in human trials
With the team’s work at Google Research validated over years, the best path for realizing the mission of digitizing smell would be through a separate startup, Osmo, dedicated to tackling the unique challenges to come.

Alex Wiltschko

Alex Wiltschko

Eliot Pence

Eliot Pence

Rohinton Mehta

Rohinton Mehta

Richard Whitcomb

Richard Whitcomb

Christophe Laudamiel

Christophe Laudamiel

Ben Amorelli

Ben Amorelli

Rick Gerkin

Rick Gerkin

Karen Mak

Karen Mak

Laurianne Paravisini

Laurianne Paravisini

Wesley Qian

Wesley Qian

Lily Zhao

Lily Zhao

Chase Buchholz

Chase Buchholz

Eric Gust

Eric Gust

Akima Khuong

Akima Khuong

Kaitlin McGill

Kaitlin McGill

Harry Pellerin

Harry Pellerin

Versha Prakash

Versha Prakash

Jimmer Shaw

Jimmer Shaw

Henry Valk

Henry Valk

Geoffrey Hinton

Geoffrey Hinton

Brian Boso

Brian Boso

Ryan P. Adams

Ryan P. Adams

John Patrick Cunningham

John Patrick Cunningham

Chris Brown

Chris Brown

Joel Mainland

Joel Mainland

Alan Aspuru-Guzik